Monday, August 31, 2009

And so.. it begins

I had my first two classes today... 18th C. and International Affairs. Needless to say, I have quite a lot of reading to do tonight in order to prep for Wednesday (and an article summary and opinion.)

If today is indicative of the rest of the semester, I don't think I'll be sleeping very often at all.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fall Semester Starts TOMORROW!

I'm really glad my classes are spaced pretty well throughout the week, though, I can't say I'm very thrilled to have to go to two night classes again this semester. Not bad now.. but come winter, it's going to suck, because my mom comes over from Smethport to watch the kids, and she hates driving in the snow. Needless to say... I should probably buy her studded tires.

What is on this semester's menu? Lets see:

Europe in the 18th Century
International Politics
Early American History
Criminal Law and Procedure
Drugs & Society w/ Lab

There you have it. Schedule wise, other than night classes, it's a dream. In at 9 am, out by 2:30 pm. Couple of hours inbetween to study in the library or by a fireplace (not telling where, because then you'll know where my secret study spot is)....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


One would think that I'd be finished with my project by now... but that's not happening at present. I can get about three sentences in Word before it crashes miserably, like a stalled Cessna. I'm going to likely have to get a sitter and go into computer services and just live there for a day or two to finish typing this up. :(

In other news... I heard back from some of the professori (that's Italian.. look it up) about the books I'll need, and was pleased that a few of them responded. I ordered Dr. Thomas' book, which I'm looking forward to getting a head start on.

My youngest was recently diagnosed with autism, so I've been researching the snot out of that... I could really use a few more hours in the day. Tomorrow I meet Evie's teacher, I have to finish up school shopping, and next week is pre-K open house. As always... endless phone calls and paperwork to be done.. oh.. and the project.

I'm still looking forward to classes starting back up. There's a certain kind of peace I get from just having time to myself, which seems so scarce of late.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

3 weeks!

The kids start school in THREE weeks (count'em!) It hasn't seemed like summer has been here very much at all, and all too quickly, it's gone!

I've been wrapping up my project for my internship. It has been the albatross of my summer, and I really can't wait to get back to the books once again. I'm sure I'll look back on that statement and wonder what the heck I was thinking, but there it is.

I emailed all of my professors today to get info on the required books of the semester, since I rent them from I still need to get a commuter parking pass, since my current one expires at the beginning of the semester... lets see... new notebooks, another assignment planner, and I'm going to break down and order a Mac Mini, since my laptop keeps crashing when I run Word (try writing a paper on that!) I'd bring said laptop in to Computer Services, but I can't live without it for a few days, especially since this project is due in a matter of weeks. I also need to put money on my Pitt Card so I can get my daily cup of Starbucks from the cafe (and sometimes lunch, since I practically live on campus all week.) It also comes in really handy when you need something from the Panther Shop and forgot your wallet at home... which I do about three times a week.

Well, I'm off to make lists for the kids' school supplies and clothes and whatnot.