Thursday, October 15, 2009

Studying, studying, studying... and not.

I have two exams this week; one I took last night in Criminal Law... the next is tomorrow. Today, however, I have to finish reading Undaunted Courage for Early American (in 90 minutes). I'm nearly at the end... studying for exams took precedence this week.

On Tuesday night, I attended The Great American Auto Race of 1908: New York to Paris presented by Jeff Mahr, as part of the History/PoliSci Club. It was beyond interesting and fun. If it happens to be in your area, I'd highly recommend it. To find more information, go here. I'm not into cars, or racing, or anything of the sort.. but this was like the Lewis & Clark expedition of the Automobile age. Imagine.. no highways, no snow plows (they left in February!), no auto parts stores in Siberia, no gas stations... It really was fantastic.

Okay, back to the books. 85 more minutes before class.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

And so it goes...

We are full-on in the swing of it. I'm still attempting to get caught up with my reading after having had 2 weeks of the flu (ick). I'm midway into the first round of tests; already had one in International Relations and in Law & the Courts... I don't have grades on either, so I'm a bit anxious to see how they turned out. This coming week, I have a test in Drugs & Society, then the following week, in Criminal Law. I know I'll be having a test in 18th C, since we got essay questions already (oh my).

I'm not going to go into the papers. There are a few of them. I'm already working on them. I should be in the library right now, but it's my weekend with the kids.

It is Alumni and Family weekend, so we might stop in to check that out. Maybe. I might decide to read instead.

It is also almost time to register for spring classes again. I hate the balancing of trying to make sure that class times don't overlap and making sure I'm home in time to get the kids off of the bus, and making sure classes don't start until they're at school. It's a narrow window... doesn't sound like it, but it is. Nothing before 9 am, nothing after 3 pm... and preferably no more than 1 night class a semester... though, that usually runs into 2 night classes.

I love the fact that we have adjunct professors who take time out of their real life to teach college students. How lucky is it that I have a district attorney teaching me criminal law and a judge teaching me law & the courts? It's flipping awesome.. I just wish I didn't have to get a sitter twice a week.

Okay, I'm off. Going to listen to Dr. Soriano's class lecture from this past week.