Monday, February 22, 2010

Where have you been?

Yeah, you might ask me that. I've been right here, slogging along, attempting to get an A in most, if not all, of my classes. I survived midterms, but don't have all of my grades in yet. I have an exam this Friday. I've been practicing LSAT tests, making appointments to visit law schools over break and taking care of kidlets and the biz... and looking for a PAID summer legal-field internship.

I have been busy.

Tomorrow is registration for summer classes, and I spoke with my advisor (O Great One) today about directed study for a certain class I need to graduate. Now I have to see if I can swing $1,500. We'll see about that.

I've been perusing the fall course offerings and so far... this is what it looks like I'll be taking (mind you, I have one class or so in my major left to take, plus capstone, plus 2 in my minor, plus a virtual cacophony of GE classes that I need to take):

Human Biology (life science GE)
Living well (Phys Ed GE)
PoliSci Capstone
American Corrections
Police & Society

There. That's it. I have one requirement left for Spring, and that's an upper level history (though I really want to take Ancient Greece this semester). The above classes should ease the demand of Capstone. I might argue a case to change those last 2 criminal justice courses to criminal evidence & investigation and forensics 1--which are both upper level CJ classes (as opposed to the above 0200 classes) but will help me on my journey to be an attorney more than something with a focus of policing and corrections.

Beware thy office hours, my advisors.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Well, it feels like this semester is *flying* by. Midterms next week (oi... 4 of them) will pretty much guarantee that I do nothing but read and study. How does this differ than my regular "read and study" schedule?


It'd be different if I had more than 2 exams per class this semester. In my upper levels, I don't. Actually, I think I might have 3 exams in one class, but really; that's it.

Two chances to get an A, or to seriously screw up my GPA.

Off to read.