And here you thought summer was for kicking back and lounging around. Well, it is, but not so much when you take summer courses. There's nothing quite like cramming in 16 weeks or so of class into 4 or 6 weeks, depending on which courses you take. This summer, I'm taking Intro to Criminal Justice (which ends next week!), Intro to Environmental Science, and Criminology. I figure that summer is a good time to work on my minor (criminal justice) while fulfilling the general ed requirements of matriculation.
Since I'll be a junior at the beginning of July, so I need to start thinking about when I'm going to take the LSAT, the law school entrance exam. October seems like a good bet, but I'm almost maxed out on credits this fall, so I'm hoping I'll have time to prepare for them.
Well, back to the books. I have an env sci test Friday night.
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