Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pre-Vacation Blitz

Do you know that sheer, abject panic that you have before you people come stay at your house? Like you somehow think that they're going to lay on the floor and look under your baseboards to make sure that you've vacuumed under there? That's what I have going on today. I have irrational cleaning issues, I suppose. I actually thought about recaulking my shower because the caulk that is there just doesn't look white enough.

And on Thursday, we leave to go camping. We won't be at Cayuga Lake as originally planned (had a little fiasco trying to make changes to the reservation, which got scooped up in the interim), so I'll be on the shores of Lake Ontario, between Buffalo and Rochester. This might mean that we spend a day at the Niagara Falls State Park, hiking about and whatnot. Either way, it'll be fun. I'm so looking forward to a break!

This is my last week of my Criminology class. My internship is so much fun, but I'm always exhausted by the end of the day. It's not physical by any means (unless you count all of the stairs we go up and down every day), but it can be emotionally draining with the amount of information we go through. I'm currently working on a research project dealing with the juvenile justice system in Pennsylvania, since so many changes are being made to the way things are done here, especially in the aftermath of the Luzerne County cases. I love it though. It's a great group of people to work with, and now there's another intern (who also attends UPB) so I get to discuss things with him as well.

Well, I'm off to mop floors, do laundry, and organize equipment!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday Morning Lazy

I have six more chapters to cover in Criminology (four of which will be wrapped up today, thank you very much.) It is currently raining after a week of gorgeous weather (with a thunderstorm thrown in here and there), and I still haven't mowed my lawn. Given the weather forecast for the next few days, it doesn't look like it'll get mowed at all.

I now have no idea if I'm going camping this weekend, as I had a big, wicked argument with the boyfriend, and we are pretty much no longer together... but we're working on it and might salvage our relationship. Overnight, though, it's like I lost my best friend. That just sucks. If we don't get back together, I'm still taking the weekend off and driving to my friend's house outside of Baltimore, MD (a 5.5 hour drive) and maybe hitting some museums in DC for the holiday. Fireworks on the Mall might be in order.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Slowing down...

So, how sweet is it that I have only two weeks left of class? VERY! The shop is in full-swing, I have a giveaway contest running (if you knit, check out http://raffle.pigmintyarns.com), my work at the District Attorney's office is going swimmingly (legal research is somewhat daunting at first, but once you get the hang of where to find things, it's all good.)

Next week, I'm off for a camping trip in the NY Fingerlakes region (Cayuga Lake, to be specific). It's only a three-hour drive to where I'm going, and that's because of the scenic route I take (I could pop on I-86 and head to Corning then up through Watkins Glen and whatnot if I wanted to make it faster.) The boyfriend and I are going to hike around the Montezuma Wildlife Preserve and we will likely explore the Fingerlakes wine trail as well. I'm SO excited to have a break!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I do not recommend waiting until the last day to get a week's worth of summer course stuff done.


I've been busy with the shop and with battling the plague

Monday, June 8, 2009

Finally... one down, two to go!

Intro to Criminal Justice is done (I think I got an A), and today starts Criminology. I emailed Professor Meyers to see what the book was, so I could rent it through Chegg.com. I've contracted some sort of head cold, which is migrating to my lungs, so I'm just happy I don't have to actually attend a class in person this week. Web classes rock!

I've been ordering inventory for the shop, which will be debuting online soon. I've decided to incorporate a monthly giveaway not only to generate buzz for the online version of the store, but also to get a solid marketing list to work with. I might look into the Entrepreneur Club at UPB to see if I can get some good marketing or other business strategy ideas, since every little thing to generate some sort of income helps.

For now though.. it's time to take a nap. I was going to do extra credit for environmental science (I have an 87 average in there, which I guess is pretty good)... I'm just more interested in sleeping and getting well again.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


And here you thought summer was for kicking back and lounging around. Well, it is, but not so much when you take summer courses. There's nothing quite like cramming in 16 weeks or so of class into 4 or 6 weeks, depending on which courses you take. This summer, I'm taking Intro to Criminal Justice (which ends next week!), Intro to Environmental Science, and Criminology. I figure that summer is a good time to work on my minor (criminal justice) while fulfilling the general ed requirements of matriculation.

Since I'll be a junior at the beginning of July, so I need to start thinking about when I'm going to take the LSAT, the law school entrance exam. October seems like a good bet, but I'm almost maxed out on credits this fall, so I'm hoping I'll have time to prepare for them.

Well, back to the books. I have an env sci test Friday night.