Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bring out your Dead...

I don't care how much we're told that the flu shot doesn't make you sick. Almost three hours from the moment I got one, I contracted the plague. I feel absolutely horrid.

Class news: Dropped Chem lab, picked up Law & the Courts.

I've got kids to put on the school bus, then I'm coming home and taking a nap. At some point, I have to clean up the blanket that some stray shredded all over my patio.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In the Swing of It....

Wow... this semester is in full swing already. I have papers in every class but one, and I've already started preliminary research on three of them.

So far.. I'm loving 18th C. Europe with Dr. Thomas the best. The man is just so dynamic, it makes your head spin.. in a good way. "Think, people!"

That's all I've got for now. Criminal Law tonight... need to read up.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

No Pain... no gain

Yay! My new recumbent stationary bike was delivered last night!

And upon moving it into the house, I ignored the "2 man lift" sticker, picked that badboy up, and put it on my front porch...


Which is now broken, and has sidelined my tennis career. *pout*