Friday, December 25, 2009

Uncle Tom's Cabin

I'm finding this an extremely frustrating book to read. It takes me forever to figure out what the slave characters are saying, then I have to read it all over again so that I can put it in proper context.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Another term bites the dust!

Grades are all in and I still made the Dean's List, and my overall GPA is still in honors. Not too bad for missing almost 3 weeks of class thanks to the flu.

I emailed my professors regarding next term's booklists; I'm getting a head start on the reading with Uncle Tom's Cabin for Civil War and Reconstruction.

Definitely on my January buying list is a microcassette recorder. My carpal tunnel is killing me of late.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Winding Down...

The last week of classes is always a whirlwind of (usually) hurried activity, for nearly everyone I know. In addition to "regular" coursework, I'm wrapping up papers, getting essays written and memorized for 18th C., figuring out my presentation in Criminal Law, and trying to absorb the information that I learned from Leadership Training Day.

I'm currently listening to Motivational Monday (once again, part of the Society of Leadership and Success... and yes, I am fully away it happens to be Tuesday).

Dr. Thomas is away in Germany for the rest of the week (Godspeed!) and that means we don't have class for the rest of the week. This works out for me in a great way, since I can finish up my extra credit paper for his class.

I have a schedule for the week, and will be busting my hind end to get it all finished and read and studied for. If anyone else out there is struggling, my best advice would be to make a schedule you can adhere to, put in some time to blow off stress (snow angels anyone?) and forge ahead! The semester is almost over!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Breathing Room...

It's Thanksgiving, which is good. Three days off of class is always good.

I'm not big on turkey, and the kids are not spending this holiday with me, so I'm hanging out writing papers. Well, writing *a* paper, and doing some research on an extra credit paper for 18th Century, since I have a B in there, and I really need to pull an A. Kind of difficult to explain to law school admissions why you can't seem to pull an A in a freshman-level class.

I am also considering pushing back my graduation date to spring of 2011, since I won't be taking summer classes, as I had originally planned. Overall, I just need to have some time to think out a plan... but not this break. Maybe after finals. Well, I have much reading to get done for my criminal law paper.

Enjoy the holiday!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nuttin but WOW.

Sooo... last night I went to see Nuttin but Stringz at the Bromley Theatre (at UPB).

Oh. My.

A violin is nothing but some wood, strings, a few bits of metal... but last night they were magic. I'm still reeling from the way that Damien and Tourie played. I grew up going to the free concerts at the Hatch Shell in Boston. I've seen countless symphonies play. The fusion that NbS created of hip-hop, classical, and... well... their own personal style just leaves me breathless.

...Except for the Charlie Daniels part, which you had to be there to truly understand. I'm not from Bradford (though I've been here for 5 years now, with one more to go), but I think NbS and I shared a kindred "are you kidding me?" moment when the crowd started clapping when "radio guy" played a clip of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" so that NbS could hear what that was all about, since they were unfamiliar with the song.

Lastly, when I heard Nuttin but Stringz was coming to do a show in B'ford, I got really excited until I saw ticket prices on BPAC's website. I was pretty bummed, because I really do love their music. Imagine my surprise when I got an email to the student body on behalf of Dr. Alexander (the university President) offering tickets to students for FREE. I got one (obviously). What I didn't expect was to have such great seats... third row, center. I thought I'd be in the nosebleed section (which at UPB, doesn't exist... but you get the reference). Once again, I love this place!

I had some serious fun last night, and got to listen to the kind of music that makes you believe that there are limitless possibilities within each of us.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I would really just like the plague to end. It seems, with 3 kids in 3 different schools, plus the incubating viral spawn of 2,000 uni students... we have managed to cycle through several illnesses. Thanks to H1N1, I cannot send a child to school with a fever or other symptoms of illness.

We have all missed an unprecedented amount of school. I've managed to tenaciously hang onto an A in a couple of classes, but my goals for the most part have languished to B-status.

I hate missing class.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Studying, studying, studying... and not.

I have two exams this week; one I took last night in Criminal Law... the next is tomorrow. Today, however, I have to finish reading Undaunted Courage for Early American (in 90 minutes). I'm nearly at the end... studying for exams took precedence this week.

On Tuesday night, I attended The Great American Auto Race of 1908: New York to Paris presented by Jeff Mahr, as part of the History/PoliSci Club. It was beyond interesting and fun. If it happens to be in your area, I'd highly recommend it. To find more information, go here. I'm not into cars, or racing, or anything of the sort.. but this was like the Lewis & Clark expedition of the Automobile age. Imagine.. no highways, no snow plows (they left in February!), no auto parts stores in Siberia, no gas stations... It really was fantastic.

Okay, back to the books. 85 more minutes before class.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

And so it goes...

We are full-on in the swing of it. I'm still attempting to get caught up with my reading after having had 2 weeks of the flu (ick). I'm midway into the first round of tests; already had one in International Relations and in Law & the Courts... I don't have grades on either, so I'm a bit anxious to see how they turned out. This coming week, I have a test in Drugs & Society, then the following week, in Criminal Law. I know I'll be having a test in 18th C, since we got essay questions already (oh my).

I'm not going to go into the papers. There are a few of them. I'm already working on them. I should be in the library right now, but it's my weekend with the kids.

It is Alumni and Family weekend, so we might stop in to check that out. Maybe. I might decide to read instead.

It is also almost time to register for spring classes again. I hate the balancing of trying to make sure that class times don't overlap and making sure I'm home in time to get the kids off of the bus, and making sure classes don't start until they're at school. It's a narrow window... doesn't sound like it, but it is. Nothing before 9 am, nothing after 3 pm... and preferably no more than 1 night class a semester... though, that usually runs into 2 night classes.

I love the fact that we have adjunct professors who take time out of their real life to teach college students. How lucky is it that I have a district attorney teaching me criminal law and a judge teaching me law & the courts? It's flipping awesome.. I just wish I didn't have to get a sitter twice a week.

Okay, I'm off. Going to listen to Dr. Soriano's class lecture from this past week.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bring out your Dead...

I don't care how much we're told that the flu shot doesn't make you sick. Almost three hours from the moment I got one, I contracted the plague. I feel absolutely horrid.

Class news: Dropped Chem lab, picked up Law & the Courts.

I've got kids to put on the school bus, then I'm coming home and taking a nap. At some point, I have to clean up the blanket that some stray shredded all over my patio.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In the Swing of It....

Wow... this semester is in full swing already. I have papers in every class but one, and I've already started preliminary research on three of them.

So far.. I'm loving 18th C. Europe with Dr. Thomas the best. The man is just so dynamic, it makes your head spin.. in a good way. "Think, people!"

That's all I've got for now. Criminal Law tonight... need to read up.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

No Pain... no gain

Yay! My new recumbent stationary bike was delivered last night!

And upon moving it into the house, I ignored the "2 man lift" sticker, picked that badboy up, and put it on my front porch...


Which is now broken, and has sidelined my tennis career. *pout*

Monday, August 31, 2009

And so.. it begins

I had my first two classes today... 18th C. and International Affairs. Needless to say, I have quite a lot of reading to do tonight in order to prep for Wednesday (and an article summary and opinion.)

If today is indicative of the rest of the semester, I don't think I'll be sleeping very often at all.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fall Semester Starts TOMORROW!

I'm really glad my classes are spaced pretty well throughout the week, though, I can't say I'm very thrilled to have to go to two night classes again this semester. Not bad now.. but come winter, it's going to suck, because my mom comes over from Smethport to watch the kids, and she hates driving in the snow. Needless to say... I should probably buy her studded tires.

What is on this semester's menu? Lets see:

Europe in the 18th Century
International Politics
Early American History
Criminal Law and Procedure
Drugs & Society w/ Lab

There you have it. Schedule wise, other than night classes, it's a dream. In at 9 am, out by 2:30 pm. Couple of hours inbetween to study in the library or by a fireplace (not telling where, because then you'll know where my secret study spot is)....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


One would think that I'd be finished with my project by now... but that's not happening at present. I can get about three sentences in Word before it crashes miserably, like a stalled Cessna. I'm going to likely have to get a sitter and go into computer services and just live there for a day or two to finish typing this up. :(

In other news... I heard back from some of the professori (that's Italian.. look it up) about the books I'll need, and was pleased that a few of them responded. I ordered Dr. Thomas' book, which I'm looking forward to getting a head start on.

My youngest was recently diagnosed with autism, so I've been researching the snot out of that... I could really use a few more hours in the day. Tomorrow I meet Evie's teacher, I have to finish up school shopping, and next week is pre-K open house. As always... endless phone calls and paperwork to be done.. oh.. and the project.

I'm still looking forward to classes starting back up. There's a certain kind of peace I get from just having time to myself, which seems so scarce of late.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

3 weeks!

The kids start school in THREE weeks (count'em!) It hasn't seemed like summer has been here very much at all, and all too quickly, it's gone!

I've been wrapping up my project for my internship. It has been the albatross of my summer, and I really can't wait to get back to the books once again. I'm sure I'll look back on that statement and wonder what the heck I was thinking, but there it is.

I emailed all of my professors today to get info on the required books of the semester, since I rent them from I still need to get a commuter parking pass, since my current one expires at the beginning of the semester... lets see... new notebooks, another assignment planner, and I'm going to break down and order a Mac Mini, since my laptop keeps crashing when I run Word (try writing a paper on that!) I'd bring said laptop in to Computer Services, but I can't live without it for a few days, especially since this project is due in a matter of weeks. I also need to put money on my Pitt Card so I can get my daily cup of Starbucks from the cafe (and sometimes lunch, since I practically live on campus all week.) It also comes in really handy when you need something from the Panther Shop and forgot your wallet at home... which I do about three times a week.

Well, I'm off to make lists for the kids' school supplies and clothes and whatnot.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Sometimes, morning rolls around too soon. I spent yesterday goofing off, and will likely spend today goofing off with the girls and cleaning the house (it's really amazing to me how 3 little kids can create a tsunami of toys, books, clothes, and whatnot in their wake.) Emily is still battling this nasty little stomach bug that has been making its rounds, and I hope she'll kick that soon (pleeease!)

I have to figure out what I'm knitting for gifts this winter (likely socks. If you're among the loved... you're likely getting hand-knit luxe socks. Act surprised.) If you see someone in the commons cafe this fall, reading and knitting a sock... that's likely me. I also might be in the library... so that could be me as well.

I really should have coffee prior to blogging.

Reid (the now exboyfriend but still friend) and I drove out to Rim Rock in the National Forest (it's on Rt. 59 heading toward Warren from Bradford). What a spectacular view (it is also the photo above.) Oh, and there also happen to be wild blueberry plants on the little walk to the overlook. I got one ripe berry; I suspect bears perhaps ate the rest. I haven't gathered wild blues since I was a kid; when we used to pick them during summer camp on Prospect Hill (in Waltham, Massachusetts.) I miss the places I grew up... especially since this weekend is our annual reunion on the beach, and I can't go :(

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Vacation!!! (well, kinda)

Finally, finally, FINALLY my summer classes have wrapped up. I ended up with a 3.75 GPA for the summer term thanks to the B+ I got in Environmental Science.

That said, I spent the past two weekends camping, goofing off, and just getting caught up on things like housecleaning, registering Evie for pre-K, and all of the things I somewhat neglected to do while I was busy reading textbooks. Four or so more weeks, and it all starts up again!

I need to get some inventory thrown together for the store, as well as developing some organizational system to streamline stock and shipping. I wonder how many Pitt students knit. Half of the people I know on Ravelry are college students... so I wonder how many of them go to UPB. Hmm. I could compose a colorway exclusively for Pitt, if the Panther Shop would carry it, that is.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pre-Vacation Blitz

Do you know that sheer, abject panic that you have before you people come stay at your house? Like you somehow think that they're going to lay on the floor and look under your baseboards to make sure that you've vacuumed under there? That's what I have going on today. I have irrational cleaning issues, I suppose. I actually thought about recaulking my shower because the caulk that is there just doesn't look white enough.

And on Thursday, we leave to go camping. We won't be at Cayuga Lake as originally planned (had a little fiasco trying to make changes to the reservation, which got scooped up in the interim), so I'll be on the shores of Lake Ontario, between Buffalo and Rochester. This might mean that we spend a day at the Niagara Falls State Park, hiking about and whatnot. Either way, it'll be fun. I'm so looking forward to a break!

This is my last week of my Criminology class. My internship is so much fun, but I'm always exhausted by the end of the day. It's not physical by any means (unless you count all of the stairs we go up and down every day), but it can be emotionally draining with the amount of information we go through. I'm currently working on a research project dealing with the juvenile justice system in Pennsylvania, since so many changes are being made to the way things are done here, especially in the aftermath of the Luzerne County cases. I love it though. It's a great group of people to work with, and now there's another intern (who also attends UPB) so I get to discuss things with him as well.

Well, I'm off to mop floors, do laundry, and organize equipment!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday Morning Lazy

I have six more chapters to cover in Criminology (four of which will be wrapped up today, thank you very much.) It is currently raining after a week of gorgeous weather (with a thunderstorm thrown in here and there), and I still haven't mowed my lawn. Given the weather forecast for the next few days, it doesn't look like it'll get mowed at all.

I now have no idea if I'm going camping this weekend, as I had a big, wicked argument with the boyfriend, and we are pretty much no longer together... but we're working on it and might salvage our relationship. Overnight, though, it's like I lost my best friend. That just sucks. If we don't get back together, I'm still taking the weekend off and driving to my friend's house outside of Baltimore, MD (a 5.5 hour drive) and maybe hitting some museums in DC for the holiday. Fireworks on the Mall might be in order.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Slowing down...

So, how sweet is it that I have only two weeks left of class? VERY! The shop is in full-swing, I have a giveaway contest running (if you knit, check out, my work at the District Attorney's office is going swimmingly (legal research is somewhat daunting at first, but once you get the hang of where to find things, it's all good.)

Next week, I'm off for a camping trip in the NY Fingerlakes region (Cayuga Lake, to be specific). It's only a three-hour drive to where I'm going, and that's because of the scenic route I take (I could pop on I-86 and head to Corning then up through Watkins Glen and whatnot if I wanted to make it faster.) The boyfriend and I are going to hike around the Montezuma Wildlife Preserve and we will likely explore the Fingerlakes wine trail as well. I'm SO excited to have a break!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I do not recommend waiting until the last day to get a week's worth of summer course stuff done.


I've been busy with the shop and with battling the plague

Monday, June 8, 2009

Finally... one down, two to go!

Intro to Criminal Justice is done (I think I got an A), and today starts Criminology. I emailed Professor Meyers to see what the book was, so I could rent it through I've contracted some sort of head cold, which is migrating to my lungs, so I'm just happy I don't have to actually attend a class in person this week. Web classes rock!

I've been ordering inventory for the shop, which will be debuting online soon. I've decided to incorporate a monthly giveaway not only to generate buzz for the online version of the store, but also to get a solid marketing list to work with. I might look into the Entrepreneur Club at UPB to see if I can get some good marketing or other business strategy ideas, since every little thing to generate some sort of income helps.

For now though.. it's time to take a nap. I was going to do extra credit for environmental science (I have an 87 average in there, which I guess is pretty good)... I'm just more interested in sleeping and getting well again.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


And here you thought summer was for kicking back and lounging around. Well, it is, but not so much when you take summer courses. There's nothing quite like cramming in 16 weeks or so of class into 4 or 6 weeks, depending on which courses you take. This summer, I'm taking Intro to Criminal Justice (which ends next week!), Intro to Environmental Science, and Criminology. I figure that summer is a good time to work on my minor (criminal justice) while fulfilling the general ed requirements of matriculation.

Since I'll be a junior at the beginning of July, so I need to start thinking about when I'm going to take the LSAT, the law school entrance exam. October seems like a good bet, but I'm almost maxed out on credits this fall, so I'm hoping I'll have time to prepare for them.

Well, back to the books. I have an env sci test Friday night.